
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ministers in the Kamla Cabinet 2010

I have some issues with this new cabinet. One is Mr Tim Goopesingh, and the other is of course Jack Warner. Giving him a Ministry with ANY set of money being moved is a dangerous thing. BUT we shall have to see. I am also looking at the Ministry of the People post. This Mr Ramadhar Singh was accused of using UNC party support in 2001 to get himself elected in the Guild Elections in UWI in 2001 I believe. However this should have NOTHING to do with how he performs mind you but as I state below, favoritism in Ministerial posts should be frowned upon! Back to the Cabinet. Here's a list:

Jack Warner—Minister of Works and Transport.
Winston Dookeran—Minister of Finance.
John Sandy—Minister of National Security.
Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan—Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs.
Dr Surujrattan Rambachan—Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Rudrawatee Nan Ramgoolam—Minister of Public Administration.
Fazal Karim—Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education.
Therese Baptiste-Cornelis—Minister of Health.
Emmanuel George—Minister of Public Utilities.
Vasant Bharath—Minister of Food Production.
Mary King—Minister of Planning, Economic and Social Restructuring and Gender Affairs.
Chandresh Sharma—Minister of Local Government.
Dr Roodal Moonilal—Minister of Housing and the Environment.
Stephen Cadiz—Minister of Trade and Industry.
Rupert Griffith—Minister of Tourism.
Herbert Volney—Minister of Justice.
Glenn Ramadharsingh—Minister of People and Social Development.
Dr Tim Gopeesingh—Minister of Education.
Nizam Baksh—Minister of Community Development.
Prakash Ramadhar—Minister of Legal Affairs.
Errol McLeod—Minister of Labour, Small and Micro Enterprise Development.
Anil Roberts—Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs.
Vernell Alleyne-Toppin—Minister of Tobago Development.
Winston Peters—Minister of the Arts and Culture.
Rudranath Indarsingh—Ministry of Works and Transport.
Clifton DeCoteau—Ministry of Education
Delmon Baker—Ministry of Tourism.
Colin Partap—Office of the Prime Minister
Rodger Samuel—Office of the Prime Minister.
Kevin Ramnarine—Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs.
Stacy Roopnarine—Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs.
Jairam Seemungal—Ministry of Legal Affairs.
Nela Khan—Ministry of the Arts and Culture.
Ramona Ramdial—Ministry of Planning, Economic and Social Restructuring and Gender Affairs.
I like the appointment of Dooks of course and Mary King. But where I find a bit confusing is the AMOUNT of ministries on the whole! There are a ton of them that are new. . . let's hope we REALLY have the money to do this.

What I want to make CLEAR at this juncture and send a message to the Minsisters is that if I even catch a WHIFF of party favourtism in these ministries I am going to expose it. The ROOT problem of our Poitics is the whole "Jobs for the boys" mentality. This HAS to STOP. IF someone is qualified to do work for the Ministries there can be be NO prior connections with those people through either FAMILY or PARTY affliations. In other words, because I helped you on the campaign, you have to give me a little something something. Not a fuck a dat!

Let's tell ourselves its time to do things for COUNTRY and not SELF. Its doing thing for SELF that got us where we are today with the Manning Admin and the PNM. Its time to start changing the way we do things and especially on a personal level.


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